Since the Italian University System entered in the Bologna process an internship experience(commonly referred to with the french term “stage”) has been compulsory for almost all the students to get a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, in order to reduce the gap between the real necessities of the companies and the too theoretical formation offered by Italian universities. Nevertheless, the internship is usually done at university as well, so it’s not a real work experience and, consequently ,the majority of the students, after having finished the university studies, has to do another internship, this time in a company, hoping to receive a proper professional formation and to be hired in the same company, or in another company in a close or related business, at the end of the internship period, that for fresh graduates can last up to 12 months (the typical duration is around 6 months). Most of the times internships in Italy are not paid or, if they are paid, the remuneration is extremely low, around 500 euros per month, less than 1/4 of the remuneration of an hired graduate employee, and without benefits other than the lunch. This is a big problem for fresh graduates, considering as well that many companies get fresh graduates in internship for several months just to save money, not offering a proper formation nor guaranteeing post-internship hiring even if they demonstrate to be high-skilled and trustworthy workers.
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